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Club Membership collection & management
Club Membership collection & management

Create membership packages with custom forms and automate the collection process.

How can I view a list of restarted membership payments?When a subscription is cancelled it can be restarted by the payer and admins can view a list of restarted subscriptions on the dashboard.
How does an system admin hibernate a member or mark a member as a non_renewal?If a member has decided not to renew membership you can update their status to non_renewal so their status on the system is up to date.
How to export Membership Sales?Get a detailed report on successful and failed payments.
How can I check what members are not assigned to a squad?View a list of members are not part of a squad
How do I customise membership renewal and receipt emails?Add custom text to your membership renewal and receipt.
What are the payment status types available on ClubZap?Details on a membership or product sale status.
How to manage membership renewal email reminders for a club or an individual.Enable/Disable membership renewals for all the club or disable for an individual.
How can I opt out of receiving membership renewal emails?If you have already paid or do not intent to pay you can turn off the weekly renewal reminders and mark yourself as a non renewal.
How to remove a membership product?You can make a membership product invisible so it an still be purchased with a hidden link or make it unavailable for purchase to all.
Manage your squad members status and add new group admins.Squad admins will receive a weekly email listing paid and unpaid members in their team.
Club Membership Summary & Squad ReportsGenerate membership reports based on teams and send automated summary to coach or squad admins.
Assign/Remove Players & Coaches to/from the Squads you createdFilter players based on Gender, Sport, Age etc. and assign to the relevant squad(s) or remove existing players or delete a squad.
Create a new Squad for team based reports and assigning Governing bodyGenerate membership reports on paid/unpaid members and email automatically to the team coach. Also show Governing body registration status.
Merging Duplicate MembersPending members and Active member profiles can be merged into one profile.
How do I restart a failed membership subscription payment?When a subscription payment fails it is retried 4 times before being cancelled. Restarting a cancelled subscription is detailed here.
How can I pause and resume subscription payments?You can temporarily freeze subscription payments for both membership and product payments on a individual basis and resume at a later stage.
What payment methods are available for customers using ClubZap?Card payments and mobile payments.
How do membership waiting lists work?If your club membership is oversubscribed or you wish to vet new members then implementing a waiting list can simplify this process.
How can I close or pause membership signups?If you become oversubscribed or your membership season has finished you can can simple enable or disable membership processing here.
Manually Adding Members onto the system or marking a member as paidManually add cash payments onto the system or mark a pending_renewal as paid
Adding/removing users to Stripe AccountInvite more admin users to have access to your Stripe dashboard
How can I provide a membership receipt for the payer or resend receipt email?You can generate an official receipt for membership payment at any time via the admin portal or resend the original email receipt.
How do I refund a full/partial membership payment or cancel a subscription?Refund full or partial membership payment, freeze instalment payments or cancel further subscriptions where applicable.
What is Stripe Checkout / Link with Stripe?Using an SMS code from Stripe to expedite online payments.
Setting up membership for the coming seasonExisting clubs with membership active can set themselves up for the new season in 2 easy steps.
A guide to membership signup on ClubZapHow do I pay club for my club membership on the ClubZap app?
How do I create a Stripe account?ClubZap uses Stripe as our payment platform for secure payment processing.
Stripe Payout Frequency & Transaction LogsCustomise payout frequency from Stripe to your bank account or disable automatic payments in favour of manual payments.
Can I change members details in a multi membership plan?If you have purchased a family membership you can edit the existing members or add new members or remove a member at any time.
How can I change the bank account associated with my Stripe account for receiving payments?To update your bank account on file with Stripe and to change where you receive future payouts:
How our Membership Management worksSetting up membership and tracing payments
Creating a new membership packageCustomise your membership forms to collect the information you require on each member.
Sorting Membership Packages for SaleDetails how to reorder your membership packages in the list so they appear in the order of your choice.
How can I export all or customise an export of membership records?You can export all membership record fields to csv/excel to create your own reports.
Enable and Disable online membership
How can I create a new season?Archive membership based on calendar year or sporting season.
Can I clone a membership package?You can clone a membership package from a previous season to expedite the setup of new packages for the coming season.
How Do I Turn On 'Payment Received' Notifications From Stripe?Receive email notification on payments.
How to generate Team SheetsTeam Sheets are created based on player assignment to squads
How to generate an executive report summarising membership sales.
Membership - FAQsReference to Frequently asked questions by members on paying membership
Membership Squads - FAQInformation on squad reports for coaches and team administrators
How can I export email address for my club members?To contact your members via email you can export member details and use tools such as Gmail Mail Merge or MailChimp.
How can I change the member type associated with a member?Fix member profiles where the incorrect member type was selected.
How to check the reason for a failed subscription payment and next retry dateDetails also on the email a payer receives when their payment fails
How can I move members across membership seasons?Admins can now Move Memberships from the previous season to the current or upcoming membership season.
Exporting your Members Registration status from your Governing BodyExport member status from IRFU Rugby connect, Hockey Ireland Match Day, Basketball Ireland Matchday and FAI Comet.
How can I opt out of receiving membership renewal emails?If you have already paid your membership or do not intend to renew you can stop receiving the reminder emails ..