Before you start check out our tips and guidelines here for clubs considering running a club lotto.
How to get your club lotto up and running
Step 1: Lotto License
For more significant lotteries (where the total value of all prizes in a week is no more than β¬30,000, or no more than β¬360,000 for a once-per-year lottery), the operator is required to obtain a lottery licence from their district court at least 60 days in advance of when the first ticket will be sold.
There is an alternative to the lotto licence and that is a lotto permit which can be obtained from your local Garda Superintendent and this allows a club to run a lottery up to a maximum prize value of β¬5,000.
If you are proposing to run a lottery in Northern Ireland, you may (depending on the legislative requirements applying to your specific situation) need to apply to your local council for a lottery licence before proceeding.
Step 2: Provide ClubZap with your lotto details
Complete the Lotto information gathering form here detailing information such as
Draw Day
Draw Time
Number Range Selection etc.
This will enable our support team to setup your draws.
Step 3: Import your existing lotto players
If your club has offline yearly sales paid via cash, cheque or Direct Debit, the ClubZap support team can import these players into our platform so they coexist with players who purchase lotto online directly via ClubZap.
More info on this process here
FAQs on ClubZap Lotto