The ClubZap system will automatically reengage with expired lotto players to notify them that they are no longer in your fundraising lotto draw.
An expired player can opt out of receiving these emails if they wish.
What is an expired lotto player?
This is someone who has played your clubs lotto online in the past but is not currently in the draw.
What happens if someone expires and re enters the draw at a later date?
They will be removed form the list of lapsed/expired players provided they are using the same email address as their previous entries.
What is the email schedule for expired players?
An lotto player will transition to an expired state once a draw has take place that they were not part of. The will get reminders for the first 4 weeks after the draw and then every 6 weeks thereafter.
Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 10 | Week 16 etc
How can I export or view expired players?
On the ClubZap admin portal select Lotto from the menu.
Select the option to Export Lotto players (Past & Present)
Open then file export spreadsheet
Sort the Column titled Date of most recent draw from Oldest to Newest
All the rows with a date before your last draw date are in your expired player list.
Email Notification for Expired Players
This email is sent to lotto players who have been in a draw in the previous month but who are not currently in this weeks draw.
Email Notification for Players who have not transferred their lotto subscription
The following is an example of the email campaign sent to lotto players who were subscribed on a legacy lotto system and who have not started a subscription following the migration to ClubZap.