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What system reports are available on ClubZap?

Details of reports which can be configured to be automatically emailed on a weekly basis to your club executive

Declan Murphy avatar
Written by Declan Murphy
Updated over a week ago

System reports on lotto, fundraising and engagement for news published can sent to your admins via email.

To set a user up to receive these emails they must be an administrator on the ClubZap platform as detailed here

They can then be added to the System emails via

Club Settings -> System Emails

on the ClubZap Admin portal

What reports are available for sending to club admins?

  • Club Individual Lotto Subscription Status Change

    • Description: Individual email sent on cancellation/restart of a Lotto subscription.

    • Schedule: after cancellation

  • Club Individual Membership Confirmation

    • Description: Individual email confirming a brand new or renewed membership.

    • Schedule: after purchase

  • Club Individual New Membership Confirmation

    • Description: Individual email confirming a brand new membership.

    • Schedule: after purchase

  • Club Lotto Draw Entries

    • Description: Final confirmed lotto entries for each draw.

    • Schedule: after draw cut off

  • Club Lotto Individual Purchase Confirmation

    • Description: Individual email confirming new lotto draw entries.

    • Schedule: after purchase

  • Club Weekly Admin Report

    • Description: A collection of useful weekly club statistics.

    • Schedule: weekly on Monday

  • Club Weekly Membership Report

    • Description: A weekly report on the status of club membership.

    • Schedule: weekly on Monday

How can I enable system reports for my club?

If you are an administrator for your club you can enable the system reports to be sent to your fellow admins on a weekly basis.

  1. Login to

  2. Go to Club Settings -> System Emails

  3. Select Edit Subscribers for the report you wish to enable

  4. Select the club admins you want to send the weekly report to

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