If your familiar with how ClubZap integrates with FAI.net you can jump straight to the 2 Stage Process on Bulk Uploading to FAI.net by clicking here
FAI.net is the Governing Body Database introduced by the FAI organisations to manage the registration of club members.
ClubZap is the leading provider of membership management for FAI clubs to simplify the collection of membership payments, discounting and reporting to identify who has and has not paid their club membership.
Every player that has paid membership to your club via ClubZap must be registered on the Governing Bodies Database (FAI.net).
This includes:
New Members: These are members that do not currently have a Governing Body ID. (example: new players joining your nursery for the first time)
Existing Members: These are members that have an existing profile on the FAI.net System.
Any club using ClubZap to collect membership payments can now synchronise their members with FAI.net.
The format of the ClubZap generated csv file is compliant with the schema format set out by the FAI.net system
The file exported out of ClubZap for importing info FAI.net is of the .csv format based on the following schema.
Gender must be inserted in a specific code; 100010 for Male. 100009 for Female.
Nationality must be inserted in Alpha 3 code – example, IRL for Ireland.
Street – e.g. 12 Bachelor Walk
Postal Code – This is the Eircode, if you do not know please use 000 0000.
Town – e.g. Abbotstown
County – please use wording, ‘County Dublin’ etc
Email – must contain @ symbol to be valid (THIS IS NOT MANDATORY)
The place of birth is a free text field.
The league organisation has to have the exact spelling
Bulk uploading members onto FAI.net has been simplified as follows.
Step A - Export your members list out of ClubZap.
Tip: On ClubZap: Membership -> Members -> FAI.net
You can now refine your export based on the following choices:
Output File: FAI-NET-1621959027.csv
Step B: Import your ClubZap new member list into FAI.net
This will register your new club members on the FAI.net system and generate a new Governing Body ID.
Input File: FAI-NET-1621959027.csv
Go to the ‘Player Registration Form’ tab on the left column of the FAInet website. There will be an import function available at the bottom below application overview, ‘Member Import’.
2. Select the choose file option in the top left. Choose your player database (must be in .csv format).
3. Select import entries.
Note: Blue icon means the information is good and import is ready to be reviewed. An orange means non-essential information is missing i.e. home address, gender, contact info and import is ready to be reviewed. A red means essential information is missing i.e. Date of Birth, and import is ready to be reviewed.
4. Click the ‘Edit’ icon beside each application to begin reviewing the imports.