Any of the group administrators can record attendance at their event, thus providing an electronic log. Attendance tracking is available for all members of the group invited to the event irrespective of whether they RSVP’d or not or what they RSVP’d. i.e. If a player RSVP’d No as attending but turned up, they can be recorded as attended and vice versa.
Note: Recording attendance is only available for groups setup as teams as opposed to public/committee groups. Details on how to change group type here.
Open the app and go to the chat tab
Click on the group for which you want to check responses.
For the event you can see a summary of the number of responses and who RSVP’d to send a message to.
Click on the View all responses option to get a detailed report of who responded.
Click on the Mark Attendance to record.
Tick the names of the Players / Parents who attended your event.
Click Done when complete.
You can generate an attendance report for your events for a specific timeline as detailed here.
How to set a reminder to mark attendance at your events
In your group settings you can enable a notification to remind you to mark attendance at your event.
More information here