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Adding new products for sale

Create and manage products for sale including fundraising, camps, merchandise and fees.

Declan Murphy avatar
Written by Declan Murphy
Updated over a week ago

Any fundraising events can be promoted and sold via online sales through the ClubZap platform.

  1. To begin the process login to the admin portal

  2. Select the Products -> Product from the menu on the left column.

    Note: This menu item will only appear when you have the online payments setup as detailed here.

The products landing page displays a list of existing products available on the platform split into 2 lists:

  • Currently Live Products

  • Old Products - No Longer available for sale

Creating a new product for sale 

In the Products menu, select Add New Product

Primary Details

  • Product Name - This is the product name that will appear on your club shop

  • Description - Details about the product

  • Product Type - Fees / Merchandise / Camp / Fundraising

  • Image - Upload an image associated with your product

  • Require phone number - By default the name and email are included on the form. The phone number is optional

  • Consent Requirements - Detail any policy you need the payer to adhere to as part of the payment. The check Require Consent when ticked means its mandatory to accept the policy for the payer.

  • Product Visibility - There may be some cases whereby you want to have a product hidden from the general public. Tick the Make product invisible to ensure that the product is only accessible to those with the direct link to the product.

  • Currency - based on your clubs locale.

  • Stripe Account - Select which Stripe (bank account) you want payments for this product to be sent to.

  • Allow Multiple Purchases - Allow the user to set the quantity of the product that they want (i.e. 1, 2 or 3) and have the total price reflect this.

Payment Details

  • Allow payment in installments - You can allow users to pay the full price of the product over multiple installments, spread out over a number of months and billed every month, 2 months or 3 months. We will do the calculations to ensure the number of installments adds up to the total price.

  • Number of Instalments - Define the number of subscription payments debited as part of this product purchase.

Payment Options

Payment can be made via:

  1. Once off payment of full amount of product cost

  2. Payment via instalments where you can specify the number of iterations as well as the recurring payment period. Note: The Price for this option is the total cost of the product - We will do the calculations to ensure the number of installments adds up to the total price.

  3. Recurring Payments: A recurring subscription is like a plan that you want your users to sign up to and pay monthly for the foreseeable future (i.e. pay $20 every month). Note that this is different to paying in installments. Subscribers will have to contact you if they want to unsubscribe from the plan and you can action this on your Stripe

  • Billing Interval - Day | Week | Month | Year

  • Billing Interval Count - How far apart are the instalments (e.g: 1 Month)

  • Recurring subscription - A recurring subscription is like a plan that you want your users to sign up to and pay monthly for the foreseeable future (i.e. pay $20 every month). Note that this is different to paying in installments. Subscribers will have to contact you if they want to unsubscribe from the plan and you can action this on your Stripe account. Note: A product can either be setup to be recurring or paid via instalments but not both.

  • Passing on Fees - It is advised that clubs should absorb the transaction fees for anything they sell and adjust the price appropriately to account for these fees. But, in certain circumstances, you may want to pass on the card fees to the end user. In that case, they will be show the price and the transaction fees separately.

  • Limit Availability - You can set a limit on the number of products that can be sold and when this limit is reached the product automatically becomes unavailable for purchase. To make the product available for purchase again simply increase the Max Availability Counter or uncheck the Limit Availability box

Receipt Details

ClubZap automatically sends an email receipt on behalf of your club to everyone who purchases this product which includes

  • purchase reference number

  • amount paid

  • details of how the payment was made. 

If you would like to add an additional note to the email receipt, please include it below. e.g.: "Pick tickets up on the night at the box office"

Adding Custom Fields

You can customise your products with text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, multi select, date select and policy acceptance fields as detailed here.

How do get a QR code for promoting and selling a product?

Click here for details on using QR codes for promoting ClubZap products.

How do I get a link to share for promoting and selling a product?

  1. Login to your admin portal

  2. Click on the Products menu link and select Products

  3. Click on your product in the product name column.

  4. Click on the Purchase Link similar to that highlighted in the screenshot below to access your unique link to your product.

Are dedicated product pages available on ClubZap?

When you create a product on ClubZap it is categorized as follows:

  • Merchandise (e.g: club gear)


  • Fees (e.g: referee/astro weekly subs)


  • Lotto (e.g: lotto draw)


  • Camp (e.g: summer camps)


  • Fundraising (e.g: any other type of monetary value to be collected)


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