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Publishing news content - Add articles

Add, Modify and delete club news articles on your clubs website, app and social media. 1 Click updates 4 channels.

Declan Murphy avatar
Written by Declan Murphy
Updated over a week ago

News Content is managed via the Admin Portal which can be accessed here. If you
have issues logging in please refer to another article on Logging into the ClubZap Admin Portal.

Upon successful login to the admin portal select the News link from the left hand menu. The news landing page is displayed providing a view of your clubs published news articles including:

  • Date Published

  • Author

  • Number of views

  • Options to Edit/Delete news items

Publish news item

To add new content select the Publish News Article button and enter the following information:

Title – Heading for the news item you wish to add. A limit of 140 characters exists for article titles.

Add Image – Allows you to associates a thumbnail image with the news article. This image will be displayed in the app in the news list and in a bigger format when the news item is opened in the app. To apply an image you can simply save an image to your local folder and browse to this folder using the “Add image”. It is recommended to always associate a picture with news items for consistency and aesthetics on the app.
Details on image sizing here

Message Content – Main message body for the news article. This can be edited using a word like menu options or by pasting existing pre written text into the editor.
To add effects such as bold, italics or underline, as well as ordered (numbered) and unordered (bullet) lists simply type your content and highlight it for the menu to appear.
To embed an image in the article click on the + button and choose your image which will appear centred in the content you are publishing.

Select your image from a folder in your device and embed.
Note: Please remember the more images you embed the longer it may take for the pages to load.
Details on image sizing here
Full details on the news editor available here.

Post as – News can be added using your own name which will appear as the author of the article. The Admin can also the “Club Admin” alias when they wish to post anonymously for specific articles.

Game Result - IF this news content is a match report you can link it to a game result once that result has already been published. The match report will then appear as a link beside published results in the results page.

Notifications Summary

Notify your user? - Checking this option will send a scheduled push notification to your followers. View details on scheduling here. This can be further targeted to specific groups by tagging the team an article is related to. Your followers can customise their own notifications as detailed here.

Publish to Twitter – Auto update your twitter feed with the content you are writing to the app. If this button does not appear it means you have not associated your twitter account with ClubZap. This can be done via the Settings -> Social Media menu item on the left hand side.

Publish to Facebook – Auto update your Facebook feed with the content you are writing to the App. If this button does not appear it means you have not associated your Facebook account with ClubZap. This can be done via the Settings -> Social Media menu item on the left hand side. 

Publish News Content

Create Article – Publishes the news item.

Modify news item

Click the News link from the Admin menu to see the list of published articles. Select the Edit link to modify an article.

Delete news item

Click the News link from the Admin menu to see the list of published articles. Select the Delete link to remove an article.


  • If copying an article from an external source please remember to declare the source at top or bottom of your article. 

  • Always associate an engaging picture with News items to ensure the professional layout is maintained and the open rate is highest.


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