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ClubZap integration/synchronisation with Basketball Ireland GameDay

Details on how to synchronise your ClubZap membership management system with the Basketball Ireland registration system.

Declan Murphy avatar
Written by Declan Murphy
Updated over a week ago

When a member pays their membership for the new season on ClubZap (Step A) they have a Paid membership status for the current Season. When a club Registrar registers players or when a person registers themself on the Basketball Ireland GameDay system (Step B) their profile appears as Active.

One of the biggest headaches for a club is identifying who has paid their membership on ClubZap versus who has been registered on the Governing Body system.

To synchronise member profiles on your Membership management System and the Registration system complete these 2 steps.

  1. Login to the Basketball Ireland GameDay portal and download your members registration status - View

  2. Login to ClubZap and upload the Basketball Ireland GameDay file to synchronise member profiles - View

Once Synchronisation is completed if a match is found for the member on ClubZap their Basketball Ireland ID will be populated and their Registered status will be updated to show as Active for the current season.

Step 1: Download Member Registration Status

  1. Select 'Reports' from the left hand menu

  2. Near the bottom right select 'Configure' in the Advanced Member section

  3. To start adding the relevant field’s to the report, under Personal Details, click the +
    next to: BIPIN, First Name, Family Name, Date of Birth, Gender at Birth

  4. Under Contact Details, click the + next to Email

  5. On the right, next to Season, set the filter edit field to Equals and select the current season from the drop down. (See Screenshot below)

  6. Scroll down to Report Output and Check the circle next to Email.

  7. Set Report Format = CSV from drop down

  8. Enter your email address

  9. Select, Run Report

  10. Download the report from your email account to your local machine for importing into ClubZap.

Note: Where there are accents such as fadas, you may need to edit the names either in GameDay or in your export file as GameDay often cannot render accents. To do this, open your csv file in Excel and make the changes. Save before uploading to ClubZap.

Step 2: Synchronise Member Registration Status with ClubZap

  1. From the ClubZap Admin portal ( go to Membership -> Members

  2. Select Governing Body Interface

  3. Drag the .csv output file you obtained on completion of the Step 1 process above

4. Once the import file has been processed any members matching (First Name, Last Name, DOB) will have their Basketball Ireland ID populated and their Registration status set to Active for the current season.

Tips & Troubleshooting

How can I see a count of Registered Versus Not Registered for my Paid members?

  1. Login to the ClubZap Admin portal (

  2. Go to Membership -> Members

At the top of the page you will see a count of how many of your Paid members have been registered with the Basketball Ireland registration platform.

Note: If the Not Registered number appears high it is most likely because there has been an influx of membership payments since you last completed the synchronisation process above.

How do I check if a members ClubZap profile has been synchronised with their Basketball Ireland Profile?

  1. Login to the ClubZap Admin portal (

  2. Go to Membership -> Members

  3. Search for the members name and click on the View option in the Actions column

  4. Scroll down the members profile to Governing Bodies/Associations section to see the status. A Green tick indicates the member is registered with the IRDU for the coming season.

How do I manually update a members Basketball Ireland ID and Registration status on ClubZap?

Provided the member has been already been marked as registered on the Basketball Ireland platform you can manually mark individual member profiles as registered and update their Basketball Ireland ID as follows.

  1. Login to the ClubZap Admin portal (

  2. Go to Membership -> Members

  3. Search for the members name and click on the View option in the Actions column

  4. Scroll down the members profile to Governing Bodies/Associations section

  5. Click on the Edit button

  6. Add the Basketball Ireland ID in the identifier field and tick the check box to mark as Registered.

How do I download details of the failed synchronisation records?

When step 3 above is completed the Post Registration Import Results screen will summarise the outcome of the synchronisation. The highlighted icon above will trigger a download of the failed records including these fields:

How do I check the reason for a failed synchronisation for a member record?

  1. Login to the ClubZap Admin portal (

  2. Go to Membership -> Members

  3. Search for the members name and click on the View option in the Actions column

  4. Scroll down the members profile to Governing Bodies/Associations section

  5. The Last Error column will detail the reason for the failed synchronisation if applicable

How do I check the time and date for the last synchronisation attempt for a member record?

  1. Login to the ClubZap Admin portal (

  2. Go to Membership -> Members

  3. Search for the members name and click on the View option in the Actions column

  4. Scroll down the members profile to Governing Bodies/Associations section

  5. The Updated column will contain the timestamp for the last synchronisation attempt.

Can I receive an automated email summarising Registered V Not Registered members on ClubZap?

Every Monday morning the ClubZap platform sends out a Club Weekly Membership Report which summarises new signups, membership revenue and a count of those Members who paid on ClubZap and are marked as Registered versus Not Registered.

To ensure you get this weekly email update check out how to turn on system emails here

What happens when a new season starts?

When a season rolls over all members on ClubZap will transition from a Paid state to a pending_renewal state. Similarly on the Basketball Ireland system they will transition from Active to Expired.

The Basketball Ireland ID will be saved and remain associated with their profile and used in the matching process when synchronising member profiles.

How can a Coach view membership and registration status for their players?

A Club administrator can create squad reports as detailed here which will be emailed to coaches on a Friday morning. The report includes details of the paid up members and registered members as shown here.

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