On some occasions all members of your chat group may not be required to attend an event so rather than creating a new group for a specific event you can now create and save segments of your existing group and invite these segments to the event.
When creating a new event you can specify who you wish to invite - the default is all your group members but you can edit this to contain specific segments of your group.
Any group administrator can create and manage group segments.
Once you have created your segments you can include them in your Event Creation as detailed here.
Open your Chat Group click on the Settings icon (represented by a wheel at top right of screen).
Select the Manage Sub-Groups option (This is only available to group admins. If you are an admin and this is not visible check you are running the latest app release).
Click on the + icon on the top right of the screen to create a new sub-group.
Enter the name of your sub-group (e.g: Training Pod 1 or U12 Boys Green Team)
Select the people you wish to add to your segment by tapping on their name. (Only existing members of your group can be added to a segment.
Click on Create to complete the setup.
Editing a segment
If you need to update your Chat segment with new players or remove players form an existing segment .....
Open your Chat Group click on the Settings icon (represented by a wheel at top right of screen).
Select the Manage Sub-Groups option (This is only available to group admins. If you are an admin and this is not visible check you are running the latest app release).
Click on the Segment you wish to edit.
Edit the name of your segment or add new people by tapping on their name or remove existing people (identified by a tick) by tapping on their name. (Only existing members of your group can be added to a segment.
Click on Done to complete the setup.
Note: If you update your segment after an event has been created you will be prompted to see if you would like your new segment members to receive the existing open event invites or you can choose for them just to receive new invites created from now on.
Delete a segment
Open your Chat Group click on the Settings icon (represented by a wheel at top right of screen).
Select the Manage Sub-Groups option (This is only available to group admins. If you are an admin and this is not visible check you are running the latest app release).
Click on the Segment you wish to delete.
Click on the settings icon on the top right (identified by 3 vertical dots)
Select Delete and confirm to remove the segment. (Note: people will still exist in the group following the deletion of a segment).
Communicating with your Segments
Once your segments are created they can be included as the target audience when creating a new event as detailed here.