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How can I view entries for Lotto draws?

Using the ClubZap admin portal you can look at past or future draws to see a list of current entries.

Declan Murphy avatar
Written by Declan Murphy
Updated over a week ago

The ClubZap system sends an automated email to your clubs lotto administrator on the cut off time for online sales listing the entries as detailed here.

Provided you have lotto administration privileges for your club you can also access the list of entries and their status via the lotto admin menu -

View Lotto Entries for a Draw or Export draw entries to .csv file

  1. Login to the ClubZap admin portal

  2. Click on the Lotto link,

  3. Click on the View link beside the draw date you want to view.

  4. Click on the here link as highlighted here in the image below to see the list displayed on the dashboard.

  5. Click on Export Entries to download the entries to a .csv file which can be viewed as a spreadsheet.

Lotto Draw Entries - Status Explanation

Name: This details the person who purchased the lotto entry

EMail: Payment email address for receipt and correspondence regarding Lotto including results.

Numbers: Selection of numbers for this player in the draw

Payment Status:


One-off Lotto product - customer has paid


Recurring Lotto Product - customer is subscribed

Subscription Errored

Recurring Lotto Product - customer is subscribed, but latest payment has failed

Subscription Cancelled

Recurring Lotto Product - subscription has been cancelled, either manuallly or due to too many payment retry failures


One off or Recurring - Payments have ALL been refunded


Recurring Lotto Product - customer is subscribed, for payment are paused. Customer will still be in draws owed for previous payments


Contact ClubZap support


Contact ClubZap support

Entry Status:


Customer is fully paid up and will be / was entered in the draw


Customer has a recurring subscription and will be / was entered in the draw. However we may be awaiting a payment that is due on the subscription

Payment Outstanding

Customer has a recurring subscription and was entered in the draw. However, the subscription was cancelled with one or more outstanding payments

Draws Remaining: Number of draws this player has remaining. Any lotto player who has auto recurring subscriptions will have an infinite number of draws unless they cancel their subscription and is marked as Recurring.

Product: Name of the product purchased

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